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Youth of the Ummah (YOU)
'Youth of the Ummah' (YOU) the youth initiative of Darul Ihsan Humanitarian Centre - facilitated a memorable Adventure Day for the learners of the Darul Quran Institute of Durban on Saturday, the 24th August 2019 at 'Infinite Adventures' in the heart of the Valley of 1000 Hills, Durban.
An enthusiastic group of 38 Hifz learners aged between 12 and 18 years, participated in the programme which entailed an obstacle course, a group dynamics segment, archery and a paintball combat session. Islamic guidance and mentoring was conducted sporadically throughout the day.
The learners gathered at 07:30 AM at Masjid Taqwa in Sea Cow Lake. Before departure, advices were delivered to the participants by Mufti Zubair Bayat DB on having fun in an Islamic manner, as well as the importance of been a believer who is strong physically as well as spiritually
After the Zuhr Salaah, advices were delivered by Maulana Muhammad Ameer on the importance
of a Hafiz and the noble qualities a Hafiz should possess. Lunch and refreshments were provided.
The learners thoroughly enjoyed the exertions of the day and returned exhausted but spiritually uplifted. Alhamdulillah, the youth group returned safely at Masjid Taqwa at approximately 15:30 PM.
Darul Ihsan thanks the Principal of Darul Quran Institute, Maulana Muhammad Motala Saheb, the Asaatiza and the students for the opportunity to facilitate the programme.
Darul Ihsan Media Desk
Annual Huffaz Graduation Jalsa
Moulana Sulaiman Moola
Qari Ayoob Essack
Moulana Ilyaas Patel
Moulana Ebrahim Devla Saheb
Annual Night of Quraan
Qari Ziyaad Patel
Moulana Sulaiman Ravat
Taraweeh program for Huffaz
Ml Huzaifa Motala
Overnight excursion to Midlands Saddle & Trout.
Students’ Jamaat (Park Rynie)
Fathers’ and sons’ Jamaat (Port Shepstone)
Old boys’ reunion (braai and soccer at Hartley)
End of year annual students’ braai
Visit and address by the following personalities:
Qari Ayoob Essack- Darul Uloom Zakariyyah
Mufti A.K Hoosen
Moulana Farooq Bobat- Madinah Munawwarah
Moulana Abbas Sarigat- Daarul Uloom Zakariyyah
Moulana Ridwaan Kajee- Daarul Uloom Azaadville
Qari Ziyaad Patel- Al Imdaad Foundation
Mufti Muhammad Rawat- Daarul Uloom No'maniya
Ml Ebrahim Badat- Madrassah Hameediya
Mufti Yusuf Desai- Musjid Hilaal
Shaykh Kamaluddeen
Mufti Shafique Jakhura- Darul Ihsan
Ml Huzaifa Motala
Other local and foreign jamaats